7 Ideas Your Marketing Strategy Can Rely On 5 years ago

marketing strategy

Marketing strategies are hard. It’s difficult to know which tactics to use to get people most interested in buying your products and services. That’s why the average national yearly salary for a marketing manager is a little over $81,000.

But many consultants and agents these days are being asked to drive their own business — acquiring customers and engaging new prospects using a variety of marketing methods. It may feel like torture. After all, consultants are experts at their jobs — being travel agents, real estate agents, financial consultants, and college consultants — not being a marketing guru.

That’s why SwiftAgent has gathered the five most successful tips for your marketing strategy.

1. Know your brand

Your brand isn’t just a logo or tagline. And it goes beyond addressing the 4 Ps of marketing — product, price, promotion, and place — and is crucial to your entire strategy. Knowing who you’re selling to (your ideal customer profile), what you’re selling, how much that price is, how you’re positioned, and what makes you different than your competition is all part of brand. Then you can promote it in various channels.

If you don’t know your brand, it’s time to think about it.

Ideal customer profile

If you don’t already have this data, this is probably easier than you think. Look back through your customer list. What type of person do you typically sell to? Men or women? What age? Are they dealing with a specific issue — like considering college for their child or looking to retire soon? Just by knowing all this data, you already have a decent picture of who someone is and where you can market to your ideal profile.

Services and product selling, and the price

List out all your products and services. Then add dollar amounts to each of these. That’s really all it is. Get ideas about whether to charge by the hour or using a fixed fee.

Positioning and what makes you different

You probably have a favorite grocery store and why you love it is part of their brand. Maybe you like they always carry your favorite organic foods or perhaps you just enjoy the low prices.

The same should apply to you! Maybe you’re a travel agent that specializes in custom vacations as quirky as your clientele. Perhaps you’re the real estate agent people go to when they want a condo in the city, where all the cool things are. Whatever that essence that makes you different is, own it … even if it makes you more expensive. (Do be wary about being much more expensive, though.)

If you’re still not sure what makes you different, maybe one of these jump out at you:

  • Great service
  • Fast service
  • Customized service
  • A rare or specialized service
  • More expertise and resources
  • Lower prices


2. Tell stories

Stories are compelling. We remember them. Whether you love Star Wars, Gone the Wind, The Notebook, Raiders of the Lost Ark, or the latest superhero movie — you know this story. You’ve probably seen it more than once. Maybe you even know lines from the movie … possibly better than the actor him or herself.

Stories also tie into brand.

If you’re a financial consultant who specializes in getting kids into the career of their dreams, your stories should include these children.

You should be able to call up stories easily and quickly. You can use them during a meeting with a potential client, in emails, on your website, and in just meeting people. Get ideas on stories to tell.  

3. Create killer content

Marketing professionals know that content marketing is the most successful type of marketing there is. In fact, one marketing guru — Seth Goden — calls it the last marketing left. When you ask marketing people — regardless of their title — what they do, they come up with content.

So … what’s content? It’s information aimed at your ideal customer, including blog posts, websites, social media posts, templates, ebooks, etc.

Content marketing does a few things:

  • Entices people to view more information about you
  • Engages them so they want to interact with you, including asking you about your services
  • Gives them insight into your expertise
  • Helps people

On important aspect of content marketing is also addressing life events and current events. For example, currently there’s a college scandal that has many celebrities facing possible jail-time and fines. If you’re a college consultant, you should be addressing what makes you different … using your brand story. Speaking to issues is one way to get noticed and help prospects in a way they trust you.

Get ideas on how to tackle your content marketing.


4. Fix your website

Most people go to a website to research products and services before ever buying. In fact, the more expensive a product or service is, the more research is happening. If your prices are more than a small fee, consider what face you’re showing your clients.

In doing so, consider all the information already provided above. Does the website look like your ideal customer profile? Can you easily find services and pricing? Are you telling compelling stories about you and what sets you apart? Do you have information that may help your potential client?

Also, you need people to be able to easily contact you on your website.

All these are absolutely important. Get website ideas.


5. Be social

Social media, like your website, is a channel. A channel is a place where you can promote yourself — your expertise, what sets you apart, how much help you can be, etc. These days, digital channels — beyond websites — are more important than ever. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more help you get your information to the right people at the right time.

Each industry probably has some social media tools that may be more advantageous than others. For example, those in the travel industry, Instagram and Facebook may be your best bet. People want to see those sunny, tropical hangouts.

One of the most important ways to build a following and turn them into customers — engagement. That means, get to know the people who follow you. (They should look like your ideal customer profile.)

Think of social media as one big party, and you’ve been invited. Get ideas on how to use social.


6. Send emails

Direct marketing is super easy. It takes little time to do, is usually inexpensive, and can reach thousands in only a few minutes. It’s why marketing professionals rely on this technique more than others. Best of all, it’s easy to measure emails — who’s opening the email, who’s clicking on your services, and more.

In order to get people to open your email, use vivid language, include your content, and use your stories. Include pictures of people who look like your ideal customers. Learn more email best practices.


7. Use a CRM to get referrals

Word of mouth is the best marketing you have. People who love your services will recommend you to their family and friends. Unfortunately, many people need to be prodded to talk to their friends. You can even offer incentives — like a free hour of service to the person who recommends you.

A CRM is a customer relationship management solution that keeps track of your contacts, including how you know them. It stores emails, names, phone numbers, industry information, and just about anything else you need.

CRMs make it easy to send emails and market to people. Some even have landing pages (webpages) connected to them. Learn more about a CRM.


Marketing strategy summary

Marketing is complex, but if you break it down into these components, it should be easier. You’ll know who you are, what you do, what you sell, who you sell to, and some successful channels to use. You’ll also know what sets you apart from your competition.

These ideas ensure you’ll increase your customers. You’ll be seen as an expert in your field.

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